Saturday, December 18, 2021

Wish yourself good

I visited a shop this morning to buy Local bread to eat with correct beans and fish.

The woman selling bread was busy praying and I had to wait.

After she finished praying 🙏 I said amen and amen to her prayer. I said the amen should work so that I can have millions and be eating bread abroad.

She replied so I would go to abroad and who would be buying her own bread?

She said this with a mix of joke and some elements of seriousness.

Human by nature are products of selfishness.

I could remember vividly some couple of years back when I told a friend working in a bank. I said; please help me with a banking job. Even when I know that there is no difference between bank and telecom. Both are suffer head. Like someone told me it's like jumping from frying pan to frying pan. Though still one of the best job in the country of corruption.

My friend told me that AJ even if I have a job for you, I'm not going to give you. I asked; why? She said; who is going to be fixing my Laptop 💻😐😒? Who is is going to be solving my Internet and device problem? I said; sister I can always do that for you even if I'm not working in Telecom. This is something that I learnt from the street and not in the office. The talent would always be there.

The cream cannot rise beyond the lid of the bottle. You cannot be richer than the owner of the company.

Even those we work with has the intention of using us. They don't wish you good. Until they have use you to the extent they feel it is OK for them.

Friends and people can always run after you in as much it's benefits them to their personal advantage.

When the benefit is no longer there. They would find their way out of your life.

You don't plan on people who has their own selfish motive.

People would like to save your name with a company name. Tunde NITEL office.

They don't even want to understand the clause that surround your employment. Whether contract or permanent. Well, nothing is permanent. Cos I heard that a permanent secretary of a public sector was sacked recently.

See forget people. Hit your leg now on the street.

Even your colleague at work are not wishing you well. Only a few. And you would be surprise that the few could be your office cleaner.

People pray and pray. But they are still limited to a job that is not making impact.

Achievements goes beyond buying land and build.

Achievements goes beyond material things.

Our mentality if having TV due to the fact that we are working need to be arrange.

A staff that I once manage cried heavily after 2 years of work. She quickly realize her wasted years...

You might be working and be worst than an applicant...

That's why I do pray for those in bandage of job surrounded with wicked souls...

But I told my pady...prayer is not enough for them to get out of it

You need big risk and gets ready for the worst...

Cry now and smile later

Smile now and cry later...

People need reality.

Be glad you can view my post 📫


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