Sociology of Prostitution
Sociologically defined, prostitution is an occupation in which an individual sells sex in a promiscuous and emotionally indifferent manner.
Human by nature are all product of lies and deceptive. Women lies and men deceive.
Every human has the tendency to try an act. Let him cast the first stone. There are prostitute and there are prostitutes.
The argument still goes; if human are actually doing it for gain or for fun? The former is still known.
There is no specific sign if a human is involved in the act. It's an act without statistics that this Generation has witnessed. We pretend a lot.
If a female body is appealing to her female's reveals the beginning of temptations. The urge, the motivation and the fantasy.
And now beyond prostitution. There seems some guys who are finding their fellow guys body appealing.These are the short coming of not just the western world but also Civilization. Human body changes faster these days. Cream and drugs. Invention of drinking the undrinkable and the art work of Spa.
Any human can try or has tried the act of prostituting one day or one night or even one moment. Even in their imagination.The one that is mostly talked about in the news is the one that has become ingrained or embedded or rooted.
Like the act of any offensive act,you can try prostitution just for one day and the one day could be become entire days. It's then become a culture. Pass it on and pass it on.
How it's been done differs. Human of day differ from the one at night.
Are prostitutes differs from being that claimed to be decent? Absolutely, the answer is debatious. But human is human.
Romance and laying down has never be free in our society.
Love has been an excuse for sex whether in millenia or century.
The commercial aspect of dating is sine qua non or even greater than prostitution.
Modern relationship or marriage could be seen as coporate side of prostituting.
Some country have zero tolerance for this act. Especially in public. But I believe, what is going on in the private is more worser than what these road side vendors does.
In modern times, it has taken different side. We attached it to how human dress.But that is not true.
To call people politician or charge them for playing politics on an issue is a serious insult.
So how do you address the road side worker? If you called them prostitute because you found them out doing business.Then what is the best way to address that girl you are talking to in the eatery in the name of relationships?
Context and places are pattern of tagging people.
Reprogramming our Sociology of life is the way to known human behaviour. It's changes. It's dynamic.
Commercially speaking, this is a venture that many woman race would have like to give a try. Some hasn't just gotten the opportunity. Some are putting into consideration what people would say about them. They are waiting for the right moment to launch into the market.
Disclaimer: just a straight up lines.
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